Addyson just loves Ballet! She is good at it. (not like her mother who cried every time she had to go to Ballet class.) We love watching our little girl perform. It is adorable. We are so proud of you, Addy! XOXOXO
Brycen's first Christmas Music Program was a hit! He did so good. He sang his little heart out. (and didn't cry like Addy did her first school program) I was so proud of my little boy! Good Job Brycen!
While I was in Abilene I got together with a few of my friends from high school. It was neat letting our kids play together. I went to the park with Tiffany and Karen and their kids. I also got together with Stacy, Sarah, Andrea and Tiffany at Stacy's house one morning and let the kids play. (sorry no pics forgot the camera (dang it.) It was really nice to see everyone again. I hope we all keep in touch and get together more often. Due to weather I didn't get to see them as much but will try and make up for it later! Good to see you ladies! It is fun watching the little ones grow!
Christmas day was so much fun this year. The kids are really at a good age. Santa brought Brycen a Leapster 2 and a Scooter and brought Addyson a Nintendo DS and a girl (not a baby doll). That was there big gifts for 2009. They are stocked up on gifts for the year! It was so fun watching them have so much fun. Good Times!