The last few Sunday afternoons we have gone to the park. The kids ride their bikes through the trails and then we watch them play at the park. Then we ride back through the trails to the original park were we help the kids swing and play before we leave. Addyson loves riding her bike and Brycen loves getting pushed in his tricycle. After the park, the kids are ready to relax and end a wonderful weekend with rest.
I won 4 tickets plus breakfast with the Backyardigans before the show. I was so excited to find out that I actually won. I never win anything. Addyson and Brycen got their pictures taken with Tasha and Eureka after we ate McDonald's (yummy). The tickets came at a price however......We had to wait in the cold for over 30 minutes before they even let us in. (Even though they had said to be no later than 9:00 a.m. and they let us in the building at 9:20 a.m.) Breakfast with the Backyardigans was actually sit on a step and eat, the briefly see 2 of the 5 characters. After that short encounter with the Backyardigans we were told to go back to the lobby were we had to wait 40 more minutes until the Auditorium would open up. Not to mention when we got in and the concert started we had a little boy right next to us threw up all of the place and we got to smell throw up the rest of the concert! That was how good the breakfast was! (boy was at the breakfast) Good thing these tickets were free. Did I say I was so lucky in winning?..........No really the kids had a blast!
Halloween was so much fun with Connor, Caden, Addy, Brycen, Jennifer, Nana, and Peeps. We ate pizza and cookies then went trick or treating. Addyson and Caden got tired after a few block so Daddy and Peeps took them back to Jennifer's to hand out candy. (they loved it.) Brycen, Connor and Nana were still fired up and probably could have trick or treated all night! Nana wanted a picture of Brycen with this boy that was dressed up as Elmo (Brycen loves Elmo). We were getting a picture when Brycen fell forward off the curb and hit the concrete on his face. He had a concrete burn on his forehead and nose. When anyone sees his face he points to his nose and yells "bad Elmo".
This is Addyson posing for her Daddy. You got it on Halloween morning we were dressing Addyson for her school's Christmas pictures. She was excited she got to be Ho Ho. How adorable is she.....
This was a contest at Addy's school. It was a Lion coloring page that you could use any materials to decorate it. Now you all know that I am not the least bit creative...or am I? When it comes to competition I am! I found yarn that is like fur, sand paper, and a candy corn. Addyson helped me glue it on. Needless to say.......WE WON. Given a challenge I can be creative.
On Saturday FaMoo and FaFa came up to Arlington for their annual Ethicon Dinner. We went to there hotel to see them and celebrate FaMoo's birthday. We brought her a present and a cake. Of course we had to have a candle and sing her Happy Birthday! We all had just gotten over a stomach bug. Mommy was still a little sick. We miss you! Can't wait to see you Thanksgiving!